With the expenses of a DUI charge potentially costing thousands of dollars, the extra cost of a Portland DUI attorney may seem to some people to be too much of a burden to bear. However, when you consider how confusing the network of laws are, between the DUI law, the implied consent law, and having to deal with the prosecutor, all of this can be overwhelming, as well as very expensive for you to attempt to handle all of this on your own. It also leaves you wondering how much does it cost to hire a DUI attorney?
In terms of cost, attorney fees depend on many factors. For example, whether or not there are other criminal charges involved as well or the DUI is the only charge. Also, whether you are planning to take your DUI to trial and whether it is your first, second, or third DUI all can affect the total cost of your attorney fees.

In terms of the general costs of a DUI, it will mainly depend on any past DUI convictions and on your criminal record. In order to qualify for Oregon’s statewide DUI Diversion program, its diversion fees are only around $500. When you get into the area of convictions you will not only need to pay the fine which begins at $1,000 but many times you will also be paying other fees such as monitoring fees, conviction fees, probation fees, potentially an ignition interlock device, and most likely an increase in your insurance premium.
Hiring a lawyer can help to reduce the amounts of discretionary penalties that the court imposes, which are the fines. Different fines can be set by a judge based on the severity of the crime, a person’s financial circumstances, and other factors. Also, having your lawyer work in advance of your court date with the prosecutor offers you the advantage of knowing exactly what you are getting into. For some people, having this ability can make a big difference.
Contact the Trilogy Law Group today and schedule a complimentary consultation at no cost to you.
Can You Save On DUI Attorney Expenses With A Public Defender?
Most people understand they don’t want to use a public defender if they are able to find a way to afford to pay for a private defense lawyer. There are many reasons why this is the case.
One of the most important reasons is that with a DUI there is a lot going on that a public defender will not be able to help you with. All that Public Defenders are required to assist you with is the criminal portion of your case, which means the part that could cause you to end up in jail.
They will not help you with dealing with the DMV or the consequences of your license suspension. They will not go to a DMV hearing on your behalf. They will not advise you on how to apply to get a hardship permit that will allow you to drive sooner. There is a lot of information they will not be able to provide you with.
Another reason is the fact that public defenders are very overworked. They might be able to meet with you one time in their office during your DUI case, but in many situations, they might just review your police report and then meet with you at court. They will not provide you with a lot of insight.
The other important thing to be noted is that court-appointed attorneys are not free. They might cost less than a private lawyer, perhaps one third to one half of the cost, however, the court-appointed lawyer fees will be tacked on by the court at the end of your case. That can either be after being convicted of a DUI or when you enter into the diversion program. The only time that a public defender is completely free is if you win your case.
No sanctions are imposed then – no court-appointed lawyer fees, no jail time, and no fines. In basic cases, court-appointed lawyer fees that are added by the court will be a few hundred dollars. In a more complex case, that ends up in trial, a court-appointed attorney’s cost could end up being thousands of dollars.

Contact the Portland DUI Attorneys at Trilogy Law Today
If you are seeking representation in a DUII or DUI matter, contact our DUI Lawyers at Trilogy Law today for your Free Initial Consultation.
Do not allow the fear of costs stand in your way of receiving first-rate legal representation. Trilogy Law offers payment plans for our legal service. For more information, give us a call today.